Stargate Universe

This section is incomplete. I will finish it within 2 days.

Ship mechanics

SGU ship mechanics are unlike anything else you've seen: ships are represented by scale 3D models. This means if a ship has 40 decks in the series, it will have 40 decks in SGU, each of them accessible to characters. This requires huge models, but load times shouldn't be any longer than a normal map. Ships are listed in this section by race, but take note: there are secret ships, or new classes of ships that must be created by players by researching into specific areas, that are not listed here. Also players may choose to develop entirely new classes of ships...


Aschen - Asgard - Goa'uld / Jaffa - Humans - Mimetic Aliens - Replicators - Re'tu - The Ascended


Many Stargate fans have said the Aschen suck. Mainly this is because the only ship seen in the series is a Harvester. But do not be decieved, as the Aschen also have Waraships that, coupled with their DNA targeted weapons, make them a race to be feared as much as any other.

Aschen Warship

These are fearsome craft bristling with weapons and equipped with remote Gate dialers. Though the Aschen do not have interstellar travel capabilities, it is only a matter of time before they can learn from the technology of other races now that the secrets of Stargate travel have been revealed to them.

Aschen Fighter

Small lightweight two-person craft equipped with light weaponry, the Fighter can easily take out a Goa'uld Death Glider. It relies on its agility to evade enemy fire, as it is not equipped with energy shields.


The Asgard are an ancient race with advanced technology. Their ships are feared even by the Goa'uld, and can wipe out several Ha'taks instantaneously. However, they rarely excersise power in the Milky Way because they are slowly loosing the battle with the Replicators.

Beliskner class mothership

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