There are a great many races throughout the galaxy... this page is
a brief overview of those playable in Stargate Universe.
Race classes are there to differentiate between certain
groups that are of the same race, yet differ enough in their beliefs,
technology levels, etc. to have to be listed seperately.
Special races are races that you cannot start out as, but must
fulfill certain requirements ingame to change to that race. Currently
the only Spacial race is the Ascended. There are however Special Classes,
such as the Sodan Jaffa.
Current races in no particular order:
Humans -
Goa'uld -
Jaffa -
Asgard -
Replicators -
Re'tu -
Mimetic Aliens -
The Ascended
Tauri- primary class

Humans make up the majority of the galaxy's population. The primary class of humans are the Tauri, humans of Earth. Their technology level is relatively low compared to other races, but they have reverse-engineered technologies they have found in their explorations, and they have hybrid ships built from Goa'uld technology. Despite their relatively small numbers and technology levels, they are a force to be reckoned with.
Humans of the Milky Way- secondary class
Thousands of years ago the Goa'uld Ra came to Earth, taking a human host and transporting humans to other worlds as slaves. Other Goa'uld followed, seeding human civilizations throughout the galaxy. Humans are now the most widespread race in the galaxy, and form many different civilizations.
Goa'uld- primary class

The Goa'uld are a parasitic race that depends upon hosts to live. The symbiote is a snake that burrows through a host's neck, wrapping around the spinal cord and brain, gaining full control over the body and suppressing the host's mind. Goa'uld are born with the genetic memory of the Goa'uld that came before it, making them inherently evil. They are parasitic with regard to technology as well, using devices from many races, including the Ancients. They enslave worlds, forcing the population to worship them as gods.
Tok'ra- secondary class
The Tok'ra are a resistance group that oppose the Goa'uld on every level. They choose to coexist with willing hosts rather than take them by force. The Tok'ra fight the Goa'uld indirectly, preferring covert actions. They have many spies among the Goa'uld. However, the numbers of the Tok'ra are diminishing, for they all came from one Goa'uld queen, who is now dead. They are identical to the Goa'uld anatomically, but refuse to be called Goa'uld.
Loyal Jaffa- primary class

The jaffa are a race enslaved by the Goa'uld. They make up most of the military strength of the Goa'uld. Once human, they were implanted with larval Goa'uld symbiotes, making them inable to survive without the Goa'uld. The larval symbiote gives the Jaffa great strength and long life, at the cost of entirely replacing the Jaffa's immune system.
Free Jaffa- secondary class
Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. the Free Jaffa realize how dependant the Goa'uld are on them for their military power, and aim to upturn their reign on the galaxy by converting as many of their brothers as possible to their cause.
The Asgard were once a humanoid race, one of the four Great Races. Their
technology is formidable, and an Asgard mothership can destroy a Goa'uld
Ha'tak singlehandedly. The Asgard are a benevolent race, often guiding
the younger races. They are the basis of Norse mithology,
sometimes taking on the role of gods. However, unlike the Goa'uld, they
don't seek power, and reveal the truth to these mentored races when they
are "old enough". They strive to maintain peace in the galaxy, but recently
the war with the Replicators has forced them for the first time, to build ships
solely for the purpose of combat.

The Replicators are robotic lifeforms that assimilate everything in their path, with one goal in mind: self-replication. They have wiped out entire civilizations, using the raw materials to create more of themselves. The Replicators consist of blocks that combine together to create several differrent types of Replicators. It takes two Replicators to create a third. They can replicate from any metal they find, including the hulls of ships. Originally the Replicators were made by the android Reese as toys, but she quickly lost control, and the Replicators wiped out her world. They eventually discovered her and used her as the basis for human-form Replicators: these, instead of being mad up ot blocks, are made of nanites. They are impervious to projectile weapons, the only previously known defense against the Replicators, making them a great threat to the galaxy. Replicator blocks can form many things, including fortifications and motherships.
Re'tu Central Autority- primary class

The Re'tu are an unusual insectoid race. They exist 180 degrees out of phase with normal spacetime, rendering them completely invisible. They are still able to affect regular matter, making them a great threat. They were a peaceful race until the Goa'uld discovered them and nearly wiped them out because of the threat they could pose. Also, the phased state of the Re'tu gives off a vibration that brings immense pain to a Goa'uld symbiote.
Re'tu Rebel Faction- secondary class
The central authority of the Re'tu is at war with the Goa'uld, however the rebel faction felt that this was not enough. They adopted the strategy of attrition, believing that the only way to eliminate the Goa'uld is to destroy all possible hosts, thus the rebel faction poses an immense threat to all humans. They operate in 5-man suicide units, working their way into enemy territory and detonating an explosive equivalant to a small nuke.
Mimetic Aliens

Little is known of the mimetic Aliens. Their power lies in their advanced holographic technology, which allows them to mimic people (and presumably anything else). They are a great threat, and have once infiltrated Earth and established a foothold. It is rumored that their ships can also mimic the ships of other races... Overall, this is a very dangerous race. Great care should be taken when dealing with them.
The Ascended [Special Race]
The Ascended- primary class

The Ascended are beings from various races that have evolved enough to shed their physucal bodies and exist as energy on a higher plain. It is believed that the first were the Ancients, the builders of the Stargates. The Ascended have a strict non-interference property because they believe that the power they have over the lower plains of existence would eventually corrupt them. Those who violate this policy may be cast down from the Ascended plain.
The Ori- secondary class

The Ori are Ascended beings that believe all others on lower plains should worship them as gods. They live in a distant galaxy where they have thousands of followers, but recently they have become aware of the existence of our galaxy, and have begun sending their Priors (missionaries, humans that they have hyper-evolved to give them the power to perform "miracles" in the name of the Ori) to convert the inhabitants into followers of Origin. Those that refuse to follow their religion are destroyed.
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